Summary: Traits
pkg std =
trait equatable @a =
eq : (a : @a, b : @a -> bool)
trait hashable @a =
hash : (a : @a -> uint64)
impl equatable @a[:]
impl equatable @a::(integral,numeric)
impl equatable @a#
impl hashable @a[:]
impl hashable @a::(integral,numeric)
impl hashable @a#
Traits: Equatable
trait equatable @a =
eq : (a : @a, b : @a -> bool)
The equatable trait allows two values of the type
to be compared with each other. The function
should return true
if the values are the same,
or false
Several default implementations exist, aiming to provide sane equality comparisons for many common cases.
Default Impls
impl equatable @a[:]
The equatable
implementation for generic slices does
a shallow, byte for byte comparison of each slice element.
impl equatable @a::(integral,numeric)
The equatable
implementation for integral types uses
the ==
comparison to check whether two integral values
are equal.
impl equatable @a#
The equatable
implementation for pointer types uses
the ==
comparison to check whether two integral values
are equal. This checks whether the two pointers are equal,
and does not concern itself
Traits: Equatable
trait hashable @a =
hash : (a : @a -> uint64)
The hashable trait allows the hash of a value to be computed.
Several default implementations of hashing are provided. The specific hash function is implementation defined and subject to change. At the moment, we have chosen siphash as a good default hash function.
Default Impls
impl hashable @a[:]
The hashable
impl for slices hashes does a shallow
hash of each byte of the slice.
impl hashable @a::(integral,numeric)
The hashable
impl for integral types hashes a single integer,
scrambling its bits.
impl hashable @a#
The hashable
impl for integral types hashes a pointer,
scrambling its bits. It does not follow the pointer.
This example equates a few types which match the equatable trait.
This example hashes a few types which match the hashable trait.
This example adds a new implementation for the equatable trait, and then puts them into a hash table.